How to Get Smarter About Your Business

Ask questions.

You'll drive yourself to seek answers.

For instance, take Betty Bobby Booster.

She's running a restaurant.

She asks herself:

  • How can I market our company better?
  • How do I get more out of our employees?
  • What incentives should I use?
  • How do I increase our profit margins?
  • How can I make our customers come back?
  • What should we charge?
  • How many offerings should we offer?
  • How can we work faster?

So, she starts:

  • Googling for answers on what improves employee morale.
  • Reading books on the psychological effects of incentives.
  • Talking to the good folks at SCORE about getting customers to return.
  • Watching YouTube videos on financial lessons.
  • The Yaddas.

Little-by-little, day-by-day, as she asks her questions, she starts learning a bunch of new stuff that will improve her business.

Result: Much Improved Business.

You  + Machine Gun

Imagine a machine gun that spits out questions.

Be that machine gun.


You start gaining more insight into improving your business, your company, your life, and your momma's life.

Try This

  1. Ask yourself one question today.
  2. See how far that goes into improving X.

Then, notice the power of asking questions consistently.


Questions, questions, questions.

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Posted on September 16

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