When to Fix Your Production Issues

  1. You're building X.
  2. X falters in some way.
  3. You say you'll return to it when there's a better time.

Chances are:

  1. You'll have bigger issues arise -- consuming your time, and shifting your attention away from that particular problem.
  2. You'll procrastinate on the problem.
  3. You'll forget about the problem.

Because customers judge quality by every little %^^^$ aspect of the product, your company's reputation for quality suffers with every tiny issue.

Fixing Production Problems

Toyota's ridiculous quality relies on this simple concept:

  • Stop and fix things before you move forward.

Any member on a Toyota production team can stop operations and ensure something is fixed before operations resume.

That way:

  1. The follow-up batch won't experience the falter.
  2. The 2rd follow-up batch won't experience the falter.
  3. The 3th follow-up batch won't experience the falter.
  4. The 4th follow-up batch won't experience the falter.
  5. Yaddas.

That way, you keep costs from escalating from the successive batches you produce, and keeping quality at its mother-^^^^%@! peak.

Stop. Fix.

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Posted on April 15

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