How to Learn Efficiently

  1. You're reading an article.
  2. You read it again.
  3. You read it a third time.

On your fourth try, you finally understand the point of the article.

  1. You continually follow the same process throughout the day.
  2. You suck.

Here's how to learn quicker.

How to Learn Like Mofo on Roids

  1. Pick up a book.
  2. Set a timer for one minute.
  3. In that one minute, learn the entire book.

...or if you're reading some lame-o, boring-o bloggy blog machine badooper, try this:

  1. Open the article.
  2. Set a timer for 10 seconds.
  3. In that 10 seconds, comprehend the entire article.

Why Would You Learn So Well?

Because you're doing this:

  • You're forcing yourself to understand/comprehend/learn/grasp the BIG picture (i.e., the most important/vital/sex-ay info).
  • You ignore the shoddy details that take up space, mother-freakishly draining your time.

Wanna Be A Smart-Ass-Opper?


  1. 5 books.

Next thing you know, you've grasped the concepts of 5 books in a collective 5 minutes.

Hooray for you.

Learn like mofo on roido.

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Posted on October 21

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