How to Write Your Sales Pitch

  • "You WILL NOT REGRET opening this!"
  • "The greatest product EVER! Buy NOW! Buy NOW!"
  • "You can't go wrong! BUY! OH......yeah!"

And then salesman Charlie sits back, a couple weeks later, thinking to himself:

  • "What happened to all my sales?"

El bizo tipo: The stereotypical salesman doesn't sell.

What does sell?

Your friend.

  • The most influential recommendations come from our friends.
  • Friends = trust, credibility.
  • Word of mouth = marketing heaven.

Pitch as if you're talking to a friend:

  1. Write your letter.
  2. Ask: Would I write this mofo to a friend?

You'll make your pitch a kabillion times more credible than the typical sales letter. Hooray!

Write to a friend.


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Posted on March 21

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